Green Accented and White Bedroom juvenile and cool Design and Decoration

In this blog about bedrooms decoration, you will to find hundreds of pictures with ideas to decorate your room with different styles, no matter with or without much money. Decoration and interior design is something that fascinates me, and though my profession has nothing to do with it, I will try to help you with little decorating tips and ideas what I have been learning through years. Click below to continue reading this article:

Write down in a paper all your desires and what you like, also all the things you can remember that upsets you from bedrooms that you have used before or now. Open up your mind to new alternatives; remember hotel rooms, looks at examples on Internet or magazines. Leave the list and complete it when new ideas come across you.

- Do you think in incorporating other activities as study, office, gym, etc?
- Analyze the equipments that you want to incorporate to include the corresponding facilities.
- How do you want to achieve the privacy? Think about the relation with the exterior and the relation with other family members such as children.
- Will the closet be incorporated into the room? Will it be in a new room or a lateral placard? Do not forget to analyze the placement of mirrors and possible views to them.
- There are bedrooms which wash basins form part of the adjacent place near to the bath access. Think about this possibility.
Which bed size you are going to choose:

King w=1,98m l=2,00m
Queen w=1,50m l=2,00m
Double w=1,37m l=1,90m
Twin w=1,00m l=1,90m
Single w=0,80m l=1,90m
Functional cradle w=0,80m l=1,90m

- No matter the style, something that cannot be absent is a very good lighting for reading, storage spaces near the head-board and a treatment of windows lightning that could provide you a darkness and rest environment.

Now, HOW CAN I HELP YOU? Just write below in the comments of this post, answering these questions:
- How would it be your dreamed bedroom? What do you want to feel when you enter in this room? Freshness? Romance? Peace? I recommend you to go first to COLORS FOR BEDROOMS AND WHAT THEY MAKE YOU FEEL

- The bedroom decoration would be… for a young lady or a teenager? A couple? A child? Who are going to use the bedroom? Yourself, your husband, wife, your children, etc.

- What colors do you like and which ones do you want to see in your bedroom? If you don’t know yet what colors to choose, at first give a look to WHAT COLOR SHOULD I PAINT MY BEDROOM and then to WHAT COLOR SHOULD I PAINT ACCORDING TO MY ELEMENT IN FENG SHUI.

- Which is your style? If you don’t know yet which style of decoration you want, give a look to HOW TO KNOW WHICH IS MY DECORATION STYLE

- Which are the dimensions of your room? How many square meters is your room, it is a small one? A very big bedroom? If your bedroom is small, go first to HOW TO DECORATE SMALL BEDROOMS

Depending on what you could tell me, I will publish right here photos for you that might help you and some other tips of decoration. If you want to show us photos, please upload them in our FACEBOOK of BEDROOMS DECORATING IDEAS . Do not forget to leave your name and country, so I can answer you in this blog. All the answers will be posted in this blog, not e-mailed.

Via: Bedrooms Decorating Ideas


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